We Care NSW are dedicated to building healthy, thriving, valued and connected communities.
We know how important it is to have friends, feel like you belong to a community, and enjoy connecting with others through participation in mutually enjoyed activities. We offer support to people through social and recreational endeavours. The Shed – the home of our Social and Civic participation – is the heart of this support.
Activities at The Shed centre on inclusion, self-determination, choice, feeling valued and control, with the aim of supporting positive mental health and connection with community, and promoting access to and participation in social activities. Community Capacity Building Programs on offer include men’s and women’s exclusive groups, a Sista Circle, and sessions around interests like art, cooking and movement.
The current Connecting to Country – Yarn Up aims to strengthen social and emotional wellbeing through connecting to self, community, culture, and country. With a focus on decreasing suicide rates in our most vulnerable community members, the group is attended by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men aged between 18 and 35 years who live in the Maitland, Newcastle or Port Stephens area.
Engagement and connection of Wonnarua, Worimi and Awabakal men is achieved through the collection of traditional items, hunting, gathering, and sharing stories amongst themselves. The three-day program is offered over consecutive days, cementing support of the group and individuals, and providing a strong foundation for ongoing relationships and friendships.
All groups offered by We Care NSW are built with inclusion in mind. The art group recently completed a sustainable sea-inspired artwork using recycled plastic lids. The warm and bright masterpiece is proudly hanging in The Shed greeting guests upon their arrival.
To find out more about the busy community hub, check out the weekly calendar of events or reach out to the Community Relationships Manager, Nat Wright Nat.Wright@wecarensw.com.au or 02 4013 6079.
Story contributed by Jillian D from We Care NSW. Published in 2021.